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I'm Sway!

I'm a Full-Time Content Creator, currently partnered with Twitch and YouTube, streaming and releasing videos throughout the week.

I create family-friendly entertainment centered around the concepts of positive mental attitude in gaming with the mantra of leaving someone's day better than I found it. My favorite part of streaming is the amazing community. You can find our Discord as you explore the website, but it is a very inclusive and supportive community that we have cultivated and a great place to connect outside of streams!

In addition, I am primarily a Hearthstone streamer, with a focus on Battlegrounds. I also enjoy Strategy games in general, Survival games, Indie games, Simulator games, Roguelike games, Platformers, and many more!

Did I ever imagine this would be my lifestyle, even five years ago? Nope. Do I love it? Entirely!

If you'd like to work with me, I'd love to hear from you! You can use the contact form in the business inquiries section below! As I often say, thank you for being a part of my journey, and allowing me to be a part of yours! – Sway Bae

Image of Biff

A few notable accolades include:

3rd place in Blizzard's Hearthstone Battle of the Boars Tournament. (May 2021)

Casting the Gaming Stadium Hearthstone Tournament. (June 2021)

Casting and Hosting multiple Dreamhack Community Clash tournaments. (2021-2022)

Casting 4 series of Super Girl Gamer Pro Hearthstone Tournaments. (2021-2023)

Multiple Battle.net Launcher Feature events, including featured streams and curated YouTube videos just for Hearthstone.

Producing, hosting, and casting one of the earliest AND largest grassroots tournaments for Hearthstone Battlegrounds, with close to 100 participants!



Let's Chat!

Are you interested in working together? Maybe have a question for me? Send over an email and I'll get back with you as soon as possible!